
Walthrop State Park, 5 Miles West of Walsenburg, CO

When I pulled into Walsenberg late this evening and saw a 7-11, I said thank heaven, stopped, got a large orange Icee, drank it, and got another. The 73 miles from La Junta had been grueling, with the scenery changing from farmland to mesas to rolling hills to the Rocky Mountain foothills, bit without a single place to stop except for an ancient closed cafe where I stopped to nap in the shade of the eave. Afterwards I got caught in a thunderstorm. I hunkered down beside my bike, covered my head with my arms to protect myself from the hail, and shivered. If you saw someone like that beside the highway, would you stop to offer help. The three or four cars that passed zoomed away.

So when I pulled into Walsenburg the 7-11 was heaven. As I slurpped the Icee I called Ann and pouted but she cheered me up with her encouragement and later after I pitched my tent I called her back to tell her I was feeling much better.

Now sleep and tomorrow La Veta Pass. That's going to be a trip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Richard! Got your message and will be following your progress daily.

Great adventure! Don't give up! How about a picture without the helmet and glasses?! Maybe you can have someone take the picture for you.

Michael "SharpEye" Jaxon

"After Long Gone" at One Sentence Poems

The first of three one-sentence ghost bike poems appearing this week at One Sentence Poems. After Long Gone